Switzerland: Racism and fascism (2)

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Switzerland: Racism and fascism
artdoc April=1995

Police cover-up anti-Semitic attacks

Police have been criticised for their handling of anti-Semitic
incidents, following the arrest of two 11-year-old children for
the desecration of countless Jewish graves in Zurich. According
to Swiss anti-racism groups, the police tried to cover up an
almost identical attack on the city's Friesenberg Jewish
graveyard in February. More than 60 tombstones were dug up in an
incident which was not publicised until a second assault on the
cemetery in the following month. Following the Friesenburg
attack, a copy cat incident occurred in Baden, where 15
gravestones were desecrated (Guardian 12.7.94, Observer 24.7.94).

In June and July there were further anti-Semitic attacks in the
canton of Zurich. Two cemeteries were desecrated and at least 12
young Jewish boys, between the ages of 15 and 17, were attacked
or verbally harassed. The police deny that the violence was
motivated by anti-Semitism. Two 11-year old boys caught for one
of the graveyard attacks did not know it was a Jewish cemetery,
the police argue, adding that this is `the mischief that young
boys like to do' (Courier 21.4, 12.7.94).

Arson attacks

Arsonists started a fire close to an asylum-seekers hostel in
Bollingenstrasse, Bern, causing 2500 Francs worth of damage. No-
one was hurt (Tanzeiger 21.4.94).
The premises of what used to be an asylum-seekers and foreigners
hostel in Basel was set alight for the second time in a year. A
half-full petrol canister was found outside the house following
the attack. Although Swiss and Italians now live in the building,
the possibility that the attack was racially motivated is being
considered (Taz 7.6.94).

Racist arsonist escapes from jail

A 22-year-old man convicted for two racist arson attacks in Thun
in March and sentenced to five years imprisonment has escaped
from Witzwill prison. The authorities say that he escaped from
an unsecured recreation area. Previously, the arsonists had been
allowed out on week-end release, pending parole (Tanzeiger

Kosovo-Albanians and Tamils targeted

In the last few months, Kosovo-Albanian and Sri Lankan refugees
have been the victims of increasing racial activity On 22 April,
a 16-year-old skinhead beat up a Sri Lankan asylum-seeker
(Nouveau Quotidien 11.5.94). And on 19 April, unknown men threw
a molotov cocktail at a hostel housing asylum-seekers in Bern
(Tribune de Genève 21.4.94).

Right campaign against Swiss participation in UN forces

In the build-up for a special referendum in June, The Association
for a Neutral and Independent Switzerland, led by Christophe
Bloque, described as the Swiss equivalent to Jean Marie Le Pen,
campaigned against sending Swiss volunteers on United Nations
peacekeeping operations. Bloque argued that a Switzerland that
loses its neutrality would lose the glue which binds it together.

In the event, 57.3% of voters opposed the creation of a
peacekeeping corps while 42.7% supported it (Guardian

IRR European Race Audit, Bulletin no 10, September 1994. Contact:
Liz Fekete, Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London
WC1X 9HS. Tel: 0171 837 0041

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