Switzerland: Restricted access
01 March 1994
The Swiss Minister of Justice and Police presented new legislation on 14 February entitled "Law to protect the inner security" (a state protection law). Four years after the exposure of the widespread gathering of files on political activists, this law is intended to provide a legal basis for federal political police operations, the Bundespolizei (see Statewatch vol 2, no 4). The Bill contains a very restricted right of access to files held by the political police. At present people "registered" (put under surveillance) by the political police have a general right to see their files. Under this proposal people must explain the reason why they want to see their own files, give information on which matter they might have been placed under surveillance and under what circumstances. The authorities on the other hand would be given the right to refuse to give out information. The Bill will be discussed in parliament later in the year.
Komittee Schluss mit dem Schnuffelstaat, Bern, Switzerland.