Switzerland/UK: Former MI6 agent expelled

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Former MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson, who the British government accused of putting a list of his former colleagues on the site of a US Internet server, left Switzerland on 8 June after receiving an order to leave from the Federal police. Tomlinson, who denies being responsible for the publication of the list of 116 names, was interrogated by the Swiss Federal Prosecutor, Mrs Carla del Ponte, and the Geneva Cantonal Prosecutor, Bernard Bertossa, last May. They accused him of a breach of secrecy and of endangering the life of a third party. His Swiss internet site was closed down after pressure from the Federal police at the end of April. Although he has left Switzerland, the investigation against him continues, according to a spokesperson for the Federal Prosecutor. The Swiss authorities claim not to have acted under British pressure. Tomlinson, who had been in Switzerland since last autumn, has already been expelled from France and Australia. New Zealand, his country of origin, denied him a visa.

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