01 January 1991
refdoc August=1991
JOURNAL ARTICLE , User Ref = 014084 , Acc Date = 19-May-89
Econ Aff, Dec 1988/Jan 1989 9(2) pp6-22
A collection of papers which consider crime and crime prevention
from an economic viewpoint. Dr D J Pyle argues that crime rates
are dependent on unemployment, the probability of detection and
the severity of punishment, and attributes the failure of the
harsher Conservative stance on law and order to the offsetting
effects of higher unemployment; E J Mishan considers the case for
and against capital punishment as a deterrent and concludes that
it is justified on the grounds of both justice and economy; M
Hashimoto discusses the relationship between American minimum
wage law, unemployment and teenage crime; G Brower reassesses the
Gary Becker theory of crime in which people evaluate the costs
and benefits of each job, given their skills, and choose crime
if it provides the highest income; and P Clarke puts the case for
privatising prisons, arguing that competition will raise
standards and reduce recidivism. References to individual papers.
police, sentence, young offender, employment, earn,
privatisation, penal system United Kingdom, United States
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