The Events Of May 30th 1992...

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The Events Of May 30th 1992...
libdoc April=1994

The Events Of May 30th 1992 and The Polices Behind The Banning
Of The James Connolly March

Author(s): Scottish Democratic Resistance / James Connolly
Society Publisher: Scottish Democratic Resistance/James Connolly
Society 1992, 36pp Keywords: James Connolly Labour Party
Sectarianism Racism

On the 19th May the Transport Committee of the Labour controlled
Lothian Regional Council banned the Memorial March, applied for
by the James Connolly Society for May 30th........

......One purpose of this pamphlet is to show that this decision,
approved by the Labour Group, represents a major climbdown in the
face of an alliance of loyalists and nazis and has greatly
contributed to the "sectarian tensions and materially promoted
religious intolerance."

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