The Middle East...
01 January 1991
The Middle East...
libdoc April=1994
The Middle East: Internal and External Responses to Change
Author(s): Seward, Valerie
Publisher: Wilton Park Paper (HMSO) 1993,40pp.
Keywords: Israel Palestine Iraq Middle East
Conference report based on Wilton Park Conference 389: 30
November-4 December 1992. "Middle Eastern Realities: US and
European Approaches to help to resolve Arab-Arab and Arab-Israeli
1. The Arab World After the Gulf War
2. The Arab-Israeli peace process
3. Linkages between Israel, the Palestinians and The Gulf
4. Jordan and The Gulf
The future of Iraq
6. Iran: Conciliation or confrontation
7. Russia in the Middle East
8. Turkey: Opportunities and challenges
9. Central Asia and the Middle East
10. US Middle Eastern policy
11. What is the European role in the Middle East ?