01 January 1991
refdoc July=1991
BOOKS/PAMPHLETS User Ref = 351.74
P J Stead
Macmillan, 1985 185pp RB43930
Comprehensive history and contemporary survey of law enforcement
in the United Kingdom which examines the impact of Britain's
Common Law tradition on the development of its crime fighting
forces. Presents the people, events and social conditions that
shaped police history in the British Isles. Describes the
governmental structure and the control of the police at present
and looks back to the hundredmen and reeves of Saxon England,
precursors to the constables and sheriffs of the Norman kings.
Covers the Metropolitan Police Act 1829 , the developments in the
Nineteenth Century, the police before the second world war and
the aftermath. The police systems within the United Kingdom, the
shape of the service, the police career and the criminal
justice system are also looked at. Bibliography.
reform, training, women, Police Act 1964 , public order, Bow
Street, Metropolitan Police , unit, beat policing,
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