Troops and police deployment

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Troops and police deployment
artdoc July=1991

The Independent has provided some details of police security
measures in operation across Europe. Border controls have
been tightened with special attention being placed on the
so-called `softer' countries of Italy and Greece.
In Italy, 62,000 troops and police have been deployed
throughout the country to guard against possible terrorist
threat. An anti-terrorist operation in France, `Vigiparate',
has led to the deployment of some 200,000 police and troops
wearing bullet proof vests and armed with machine guns. All
police leave has been cancelled and police say that their
aims are to: stop terrorism, keep peace in immigrant
communities and suppress racial violence. Some newspapers
have called the French anti-terrorist drive `The Gulf War's
second front'. (Independent 24.1.91)

IRR Police-Media Bulletin no 67. Institute of Race
Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS

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