TURKEY: Death sentences demand

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Six Kurdish parliamentarians, members of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Party, who were detained in March and charged with treason, are still being held in custody after six months. The six, Sirri Sakik, Ahmet Turk, Mahamut Alinak, Orhan Dogan, Hatip Dicle and Leyla Zana have been stripped of their parliamentary seats and face the death penalty if convicted. (see Statewatch vol 4 no 2). Shortly after the arrest of the parliamentarians, thirteen journalists from the Kurdish daily Ozgur Gundem were arrested on charges of "separatism" and membership of the Kurdistan Workers' Party. The paper has been shut down by police. During a court appearance in June the journalists accused the police of torture; the State Prosecutor denied this but admitted the existence of non-violent torture. According to Ankara's Human Rights Foundation there are 108 people (including the six MPs) in jail for supporting Kurdish rights in Turkey. Amnesty International has recorded the cases of 24 people who had been "disappeared" by the Turkish security forces in the six months until June. Many more have been abducted and were later found dead.

Journalist August/September 1994 Amnesty International newsletter August 1994

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