UK: Asylum seeker commits suicide after forced dispersal and rejected claim

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On 18 January, Ramin Khaleghi, an Iranian asylum seeker, committed suicide by hanging upon hearing that his asylum claim had been rejected. The 27-year old was found in his room in a hostel in Leicester designated to house asylum seekers under the governments dispersal programme. The run down former International Hotel in Leicester has been criticised by its 400 resident asylum seekers who have been complaining for several months about the lack of hygiene, inadequate heating and poor food quality. Ramin, who had been a political prisoner in Iran before fleeing to Britain, was dispersed to Leicester despite having close family in London. Friends and supporters blame his isolation for Ramin's death. Maryam Namazie, head of the UK branch of the International Federation of Iranian Refugees sums up the treatment of refugees fleeing persecution as follows: "Upon arrival, they are further abused, detained, housed in degrading conditions, deprived by a voucher system and eventually deported."

For more information contact the Campaign Against Racism & Fascism:; the National Civil Rights Movement: the International Federation of Iranian Refugees:

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