UK: C18 leaders guilty
01 August 2001
Combat 18 (C18) leader, Will Browning, and two other members of the fascist organisation, admitted using threatening words and behaviour at Southwark crown court on 12 October. Browning, from John Silkin Lane, Surrey Quays, south London, with Matthew Osbury from Oxford and David Haldane from Scotland, were arrested after a television documentary filmed them threatening a peaceful march in January 1999. It commemorated the Bloody Sunday massacre of civilians by British soldiers in Derry in January 1972. Judge James Wadsworth told the men that they intended to disrupt a lawful march and fined them £750 each and sentenced them to 80 hours of community service. C18 effectively collapsed as a serious threat in the late 1990s when their leadership imploded in a violent feud after one of their key figures, Charlie Sargent, was jailed following the murder of a supporter. It was revealed at his trail that he had been a police informer for some years.
Independent, 22.10.01.