UK: Criminal Justice Bill demonstration

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Over 50,000 people joined a protest march against the Criminal Justice Bill in London on 24 July. The Bill has created a large coalition against it from civil liberties groups through to environmentalists. Leading barrister Michael Mansfield has described it as "the most draconian act this government has put through". Although there were some minor scuffles between demonstrators and police the demonstration was mostly peaceful and good-humoured. The Criminal Justice Bill proposes over thirty new offences, including the criminalisation of squatting and the banning of raves (described in the bill as unlicensed events involving the playing of amplified music at night). Music is defined as "sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats". The bill also abolishes the right of silence and creates a new offence of "Aggravated Trespass" specifically designed to prevent hitherto legal forms of protest such as hunt sabotage.

The Coalition against the Criminal Justice Bill can be contacted c/o 265 Seven Sisters Road London, N4.

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