UK: Loyalists and fascists march
01 May 1996
April saw loyalist and fascist organisations combine forces on two marches. The first, which was planned for Bolton was called off at the last moment. The second, in London, went ahead following clashes with anti-racists that saw over 100 anti-racists being detained by police.
The Bolton march was organised by Mark Dooley, a fascist who is also part of the English Amalgamated Committee of the Apprentice Boys. He served a prison sentence in the early 1990s for his involvement in a number of racist attacks, and has moved through various fascist organisations, such as the National Front and the British National Party, before ending up in Combat 18 (C18).
Dooley played a key role in bringing C18 members to Bolton to help "steward" the intended march. Several key figures, such as Charlie Sargent who is due to appear in court in July for possession of racist material, were observed in attendance, before the police bowed to strong opposition from local people, including members of Bolton's Irish community and stopped the march.
C18 "stewards" were also expected to turn out for the London Apprentice Boys march, which took place two weeks later. In the event London C18 members failed to make an appearance, although about 30 C18 supporters from outside London did accompany it. Reports reaching anti-fascists suggested that the Apprentice Boys were less than impressed with the C18 performance in Bolton earlier in the month.
The London march only took place following a serious confrontation between loyalists and anti-fascists outside a pub, near the starting point for the march, in Holborn. These clashes resulted in several loyalist bandsmen being taken to hospital. The police also rounded up over one hundred anti-fascists who they detained - and photographed - until the loyalist march had ended.
While loyalist/fascist collaborations are not new, there was a particular edge to this march due to events that occurred on a loyalist/C18 march the previous year. Then, once the march had ended, Combat 18 thugs went on the rampage and attempted to attack several left meetings that were taking place in central London.