UK: New vetting system introduced

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The government has introduced a new system of positive vetting for staff (and contractors) who handle "sensitive government assets". The five levels of vetting are to be replaced by four levels. 1) "Reliability checks"(RC) for access to low-level "Confidential" information is to be replaced by Basic checks (BC) which involve verifying a person's identity and getting references from previous employers; 2) "Positive vetting (Secret) [PV/S]" is to be replaced by a Security Check (SC), see below; 3) "Positive vetting (Top Secret) [PV/TS]" and "Enhanced Positive Vetting [EPV] are both to be replaced by Developed Vetting (DV); 4) Counter Terrorist Checks (CTC) are staying the same.

The overall policy of vetting is based on the following statement:

"In the interests of national security, safeguarding parliamentary democracy and maintaining the proper security of the Government's essential activities, it is the policy of HMG that no one should be employed in connection with work the nature of which is vital to the interests of the state who:

is, or has been, involved in, or associated with any of the following activities: espionage, terrorism, sabotage, actions intended to overthrow or undermine parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means; or

is, or has recently been: a member of any organisation who has advocated such activities; or associated with any such organisation, or any of its members in such a way as to raise reasonable doubts about his or her reliability; or

is susceptible to pressure or improper influence, for example because of current or past conduct; or has shown dishonesty or lack of integrity which throws doubt upon their reliability; or has demonstrated behaviour, or is subject to circumstances which may otherwise indicate unreliability".

The Security Check (SC) covers those who have "long term, frequent and uncontrolled access to SECRET information or assets". It also covers those who careers may involve them in handling such information. The check consists of: a check on police files and the National Collection of Criminal Records; a check against the Security Service (MI5) records; credit reference check and a review of personal finances. Developed Vetting (DV) is the same as for the Security check plus a personal interview and checks with friends and acquaintances. The Counter Terrorist Check (CTC) covers people who will have "proximity to public figures" at risk of terrorist attack or who will have access to information or material of value to terrorists, or who have "unescorted access" to "military, civil and industrial establishments assessed" to be at risk of terrorist attack. Checks are carried out in the records of MI5 and police criminal records.

Press notice: Cabinet Office, 15.12.94.

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