UK: Numbers in prison

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At the beginning of July there were 920 prisoners in Wales; 1,834 (including 483 in Long Kesh/Maze) in Northern Ireland and 5,294 in Scotland. The prison population in England was 44,831, (excluding 1,367 prisoners in police cells). Twenty five pregnant women were detained in Holloway Prison. In 1991 311 prisoners were recorded as having escaped from prison, or prison escort in England and Wales. Thirty-two prisons exceeded their "certified normal accommodation". They are Bedford, Birmingham, Brinsford, Bristol, Brixton, Chelmsford, Durham, Exeter, Hindley, Hull, Lancaster, Leeds, Leicester, Lewes, Lincoln, Liverpool, Moorhead, New Hall, Northallerton, Northeye, Oxford, Pentonville, Preston, Shepton, Mallet, Shrewsbury, Spring Hil,l Stafford, Styal, The Verne, Wandsworth, Whatton and Wormwood Scrubs.

Commons Hansard 7.7.92; 13-14.7.92.

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