UK: Officers charged in connection with Alder death

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The Director of Public Prosecutions has announced that five officers from West Yorkshire police force have been charged in connection with the death of a black man, Christopher Alder on 1 April 1998 (see Statewatch vol 8 no 6). The five officers, PCs Dunn, Dawson, Blackley, Barr and Ellerington, faced charges of misconduct in public during September, but their case was put back until 12 October. Christopher Alder died after being arrested for a breach of the peace at a nightclub. On his arrival at the police station he was unconscious; despite this, it is alleged he was left lying on the floor, with his hands handcuffed behind his back. A video film of the last minutes of his life is said to reveal that although he was in critical respiratory distress he failed to receive any medical or other assistance. The five police officers were suspended and a Crown Prosecution Service investigation, under John Holt of the West Yorkshire police force, took 15 months to reach its decision to charge the officers. The prosecution was welcomed by Christopher's sister, Janet, who condemned the delay in bringing proceedings, observing: "...I have had to fight every inch of the way. I won't give up till the whole truth is out in the open - until then Christopher cannot be buried with the dignity he deserves."

The Justice for Christopher Alder Campaign, c/o Red Triangle Cafe, St James Street, Burnley, Lancashire, Tel 01282 832319. The National Civil Rights Movement, c/o 14 Featherstone Road, Southall, Middlesex UB2 5AA, tel. 0181 574 0818, Fax 0181 813 9734.

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