UK: Police assault blinds man

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Greater Manchester police threatened to prosecute a 21-year old student, Amer Rafiq, who had his right eye removed by surgeons after being detained by police. The incident, which took place during celebrations for Eid at the end of February, have led to demonstrations and protests at another act of racist police brutality. Amer was stopped by police, for a minor driving offence, as he made his way to join friends for Eid - the largest Muslim festival which is similar to New Year - in Rusholme, Greater Manchester. He was dragged from his car and pushed into the back of a police van. By the time he reached the notorious Platt Lane police station he was bloody and bleeding and unable to stand. A friend, who was arrested with him but taken to the police station separately, described what he saw when Amer arrived: "I heard his voice and looked around. I was stunned by what I saw. Two officers were having to hold him up and there was blood everywhere. He saw me and begged me to help. He was crying but instead of tears he was crying blood. They repeatedly asked his name and he could only mumble. Eventually, one of them said: "He's a goner" and he was taken away...Finally they took him off to hospital." The assault, which shattered Amer's right eye socket and may also have affected the sight in his left eye, created outrage in the local community. A rapidly convened public meeting the following day, was attended by over 300 people, who called for an independent inquiry and the suspension of the officers involved. A demonstration the following week saw more than 2,000 people march in support of Amer and to express their anger at police brutality; Asian businesses shut-down for the day in solidarity with the protestors. Recent developments indicate that the police may not proceed with charges against Amer - which involve allegations that he did a U-turn in his car after being told to move it by police officers -due to the `minor nature of the allegation'. Three members of the Tactical Support Unit have been removed from operational duties pending an internal police inquiry. Manchester Evening News 25 & 27.2.96, 2 & 6.3.96

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