UK: Police inquiry

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A report to the DPP named 25 officers from the station as involved in drug dealing, fabrication of evidence, planting of drugs, perjury and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The report followed "Operation Jackpot", described as the "most wide-ranging corruption inquiry in the Met for 20 years". So far, three officers have been suspended and eight transferred (see Statewatch vol 2 no 2).

DC Roy Lewandowski, one of the officers allegedly involved in the drugs recycling and planting scandal, at Stoke Newington Police Station was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment on five charges of theft and one of misfeasance in public office. Lewandowski stole £2,000 worth of books from the collection of a dead man. In early November, the trial of Raymond Simpson, charged with possession of £5,000 worth of crack with intent to supply, was stopped after the judge at Snaresbrook Crown Court became "very worried" about conflicting evidence from Stoke Newington officers.

There is concern in Stoke Newington that the report will not go to the heart of the widespread corruption at the police station. An independent report by the Hackney Community Defence Association has expressed concern that the policemen will not be convicted of criminal offences and local MP, Diane Abbott, has called for an independent inquiry.

Voice 17.11.92; Guardian 21.11.92; Independent 6 21.11.92.

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