No 42/03: Statewatch evidence to the International Development Committee inquiry into "Migration and Development": November 2003
No 41/03: Supplementary evidence: "Irregular Immigration and EU External Relations" to the International Development Committee inquiry into "Migration and Development", November 2003
No 40/03: Guantanamo Bay: The legal black hole: Twenty-Seventh F.A. Mann Lecture: 25 November 2003 By Johan Steyn [Lord Steyn is a judicial member of the House of Lords - the UK's supreme court]: Lecture (html) Lecture (pdf version)
No 39/03: Statewatch analysis: Cover-up! Proposed Regulation on European Border Guard hides unaccountable, operational bodies: Analysis and documentation November 2003
No 38/03: EU law on asylum procedures: An assault on human rights? November 2003
No 37/03: EU: Statewatch submission to the EU Network of Independent Experts on fundamental rights raises 22 major civil liberties concerns: Statewatch submission, October 2000
No 36/03: Digital Government in the European Union: Freedom of Information Trumped by “Internal Security” by Deirdre Curtin (with thanks to the Campbell Public Affairs Institute), October 2003
No 35/03: Further evidence on proposed Directive on aircraft passenger data: October 2003
No 34/03: IGC Launch: European NGOs Publish Concerns Over Justice and Home Affairs and Fundamental Rights Provisions in Draft Constitution: Press release and submission, October 2003
No 33/03: UK: Special Branch more than doubles in size, September 2003
No 32/03: EU: The story of the Tampere Summit - an undemocratic process excluding civil society: Statewatch briefing, September 2003
No 31/03: UK: Data retention and access consultation farce, September 2003
No 30/03: EU: Evidence on proposed Directive on aircraft passenger data: Evidence to the Select Committee on the European Union, sub-committee "F": Proposed Directive on aircraft passenger data: September 2003
No 29/03: Biometrics - the EU takes another step down the road to 1984, September 2003
No 28/03: EU: "Migration, development and the EU security agenda" paper by Ben Hayes & Tony Bunyan: Paper, September 2003
No 27/03: Annotated text of EU Constitution, August 2003
No 26/03: EU Constitution and Justice and Home Affairs: the accountability gap, August 2003
No 25/03: Leaving a 'Stain Upon the Silence' : critical criminology and the politics of dissent: Paper by Paddy Hillyard, Joe Sim, Steve Tombs and Dave Whyte: Paper, August 2003
No 24/03: "Counter-terrorism", Human Security and Globalisation - from Welfare to Warfare State? Paper by Jude McCulloch: Paper, August 2003
No 23/03: "The war on terror and the suppression of dissent" paper by Reece Walters: Paper, August 2003
No 22/03: "Streets of Terror: Marginalisation, criminalisation and authoritarian renewal" paper by Phil Scraton: Paper, August 2003
No 21/03: EU proposal that police officers and immgration officials in plainclothes drive unmarked police cars across the EU to deport migrants, August 2003
No 20/03: EU: Plan to put protestors under surveillance and deny entry to suspected troublemakers, August 2003
No 19/03: Losing the “war on drugs”: Crisis and contradiction in international policy, August 2003
No 18/03: UK-USA: New UK-USA Extradition Treaty, July 2003 (post 11 September 2001 analysis, no 18)
No 17/03: EU: The European arrest warrant from the perspective of a German defence attorney, July 2003
No 16/03: EU-USA: Analysis of EU-USA agreements on extradition and mutual cooperation on judicial matters with full documentation, June 2003
No 15/03: EU: Annual reports on access to documents - still a very long way to go, June 2003
No 14/03: Readmission agreements and EC external migration law, May 2003 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 13/03: EU: Development of a European Border Guard, May 2003
No 12/03: The creation of an EU Interior Ministry - the maintenance of internal security, April 2003 (post 11 September 2001 analysis)
No 11/03: UK: The worst law yet: the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, April 2003
No 10/03: EU: Transparency in the European Union still problematic, April 2003
No 9/03: Convention on the Future of Europe: Joint suggested amendments to the draft constitutional articles on democratic life by Statewatch and the Standing Committee of experts in international immigration, refugee and criminal law (Utrecht): April 2003 (pdf)
No 8/03: EU: Exchanging information on terrorists or protestors? April 2003
No 7/03: Convention on Future of Europe: 'freedom, security and justice', House of Commons, European Scrutiny Committee, March 2003
No 6/03: Convention on the Future of Europe: Joint submission Statewatch and the Standing Committee of experts in international immigration, refugee and criminal law (Utrecht) on justice and home affairs: March 2003
No 5/03: EU-UK: Asylum in the EU: the beginning of the end? Analysis of UK's "safe haven proposals, March 2003
No 4/03: EU Accession Treaty (enlargement): i) Analysis and ii) Full-text documentation, February 2003
No 3/03: EU: Analysis of Working Party report on passenger data access by USA, February 2003
No 2/03: UK: Surveillance of communications goes through the roof, January 2003
No 1/03: EU: Majority of governments introducing data retention of communications, January 2003
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