No 31/05: "Unaccountable Europe" (December 2005)
No 30/05: The European Parliament and data retention: Chronicle of a ‘sell-out’ foretold? (December 2005)
No 29/05: Viewpoint: More openness or just a drop in the ocean? The need for FOI in the EU (December 2005)
No 28/05: The right to know or the right to try and find out? The need for an EU freedom of information law (November 2005)
No 27/05: Spanish anti-terrorist policy, with the wind blowing in its favour (November 2005)
No 26/05: Telephone tapping and mail-opening figures 1937- 2004 (November 2005)
No 25/05: Annotated guide to the issues and documentation on mandatory data retention in the EU (October 2005)
No 24/ZZ: The right to know or the right to try and find out? The need for an EU freedom of information law (September 2005)
No 23/05: EU: COSI - Standing Committee on Internal Security rescued from the debris of the EU Constitution (September 2005)
No 22/05: Italy: Tough new anti-terrorist laws adopted (August 2005)
No 21/05: Call for mandatory data retention of all telecommunications (July 2005)
No 20/05: The exceptional and draconian become the norm (Revised, July 2005)
No 19/05: Revising EU border control rules: A missed opportunity? (July 2005)
No 18/05: Legislative proposals on SIS II (June 2005)
No 17/05: SIS II fait accompli? Construction of EU's Big Brother database underway (May 2005)
No 16/05: From the Schengen Information System to SIS II and the Visa Information (VIS): the proposals explained (May 2005)
No 15/05: Journalism, civil liberties and the war on terrorism (May 2005)
No 14/05: EU-SIS: Three-quarters of a million "illegal aliens" banned from Schengen area (April 2005)
No 13/05: UK: Stop & search: Ethnic injustice continues unabated (April 2005)
No 12/05: Global coalition launch report and international surveillance campaign (April 2005)
In October 2005 Statewatch also published a series of "Essays" including:
No 11/05: While Europe sleeps: under the "war on terrorism" a veneer of democracy is legitimating the creation of a coercive (and surveillance) state
No 10/05: There is no “balance” between security and civil liberties – just less of each
No 9/05: “The Rules of the Game”?
No 8/05: The “War on Terror”: lessons from Ireland
No 7/05: Why Terror and Tolerance are the Greatest Test of Modern Journalism
No 6/05: Lex Vigilatoria – Towards a control system without a state?
No 5/05: Checking and balancing polity-building in the European Union
No 4/05: Lampedusa - a test case for the subcontracting of EU border controls
No 3/05: The state of ASBO Britain - the rise of intolerance
No 2/05: EU law and family reunion: a human rights critique
No 1/05: “Speech crime” and deportation
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