No 35/10: The EU Justice and Home Affairs agenda in 2011 (December 2010)
No 34/10: Case Law Summary: EU access to documents Regulation (December 2010)
No 33/10: Guide to EU decision-making and justice and home affairs after the Lisbon Treaty (December 2010)
No 32/10: EU: Extending EU long-term resident status to refugees and persons with subsidiary protection status (December 2010)
No 31/10: EU: The new Directive on trafficking in persons (December 2010)
No 30/10: EU: Update The Proposed European Investigation Order
No 29/10: The UK's European Union Bill (November 2010)
No 28/10: First thoughts on the EU’s Internal Security Strategy (November 2010)
No 27/10: UK: Will the imprisonment of children at Yarl’s Wood end? (November 2010)
No 26/10: EU Security at international summits: not for protesters (November 2010)
No 25/10: UK: “Speculative invoicing” schemes target internet filesharers and individuals accused of minor retail crime (November 2010)
No 24/10: France Collective expulsions of Roma people undermines EU’s founding principles (November 2010)
No 23/10: Briefing: New challenges - old problems: Commission proposals on revising the 1995 Data Protection Directive (October 2010)
No 22/10: Briefing: ID Cards in the EU: Current state of play (July 2010)
No 21/10: The Droning of the Drones: The increasingly advanced technology of surveillance and control (July 2010)
No 20/10: UK: The Misuse of Section 44 stop and search powers continues despite European Court ruling (July 2010)
No 19/10: UK: Rolling back the authoritarian state? An analysis of the coalition government’s commitment to civil liberties (June 2010)
No 18/10: The Federal Republic’s security services from the Cold War to the “new security architecture” (June 2010)
No 17/10: The internal and external fronts: security package and returns to Libya (June 2010)
No 16/10: UK: Shock and anger at the violent policing tactics used at the G8 Summit (June 2010)
No 15/10: Italy: Shocking death spotlights prisoners’ plight (June 2010)
No 14/10: UK Government’s “clumsy, indiscriminate and disproportionate” approach to DNA retention (June 2010)
No 12/10: The proposed European Investigation Order: Assault on human rights and national sovereignty (May 2010)
No 11/10: UK: New coalition government pledges to “reverse the substantial erosion of civil liberties and rollback state intrusion” (May 2010)
No 10/10: Commission: Action Plan on the Stockholm Programme: A bit more freedom and justice and a lot more security (April 2010)
No 9/10: Briefing: European Commission: Action Plan on the Stockholm Programme (April 2010)
No 8/10: The right to protest: “Troublemakers” and “travelling violent offenders [undefined] to be recorded on database and targeted (April 2010)
No 7/10: EU proposals to increase the financial transparency of charities and non-profit organisations (April 2010)
No 6/10: Briefing: Hearing: Protection of Personal Data in Transatlantic Security Cooperation SWIFT, PNR & Co - which way forward? (April 2010)
No 5/10: Briefing: Surveillance of the sea external borders with the involvement of Frontex (March 2010)
No 4/10: Internal Security Strategy & the Standing Committee on Internal Security (COSI) (February 2010)
No 3/10: Germany: A network being networked: the Federal Criminal Police Office databases (February 2010)
No 2/10: Homeland Security comes to Europe (February 2010)
No 1/10: Briefing: Internal Security Strategy for the European Union (January 2010)
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