46/12: EU Immigration and Asylum Law in 2012: The Year of Living Ineffectually (December 2012)
45/12: The EU Justice and Home Affairs agenda in 2013 (December 2012)
44/12: Update: amending the EU’s visa list legislation (December 2012)
43/12: Security of the spectacle The EU’s guidelines for security at major events (December 2012)
42/12: The Common European Asylum System: State-of-play update (December 2012)
41/12: The Common European Asylum System: State-of-play (November 2012)
40/12: The democratic accountability of the EU’s legislative approach (November 2012)
39/12: Criticism of Frontex’s operations at sea mounts (November 2012)
38/12: UK: Police force “more than minimally” contributed to Sean Rigg’s death (October 2012)
37/12: UK: Government’s “secret justice” Bill widely condemned (October 2012)
36/12: EU: The UK’s planned ‘block opt-out’ from EU justice and policing measures in 2014 (October 2012)
35/12: Nationwide vigils commemorate deaths in custody (October 2012)
34/12: EU: Reply to the Ombudsman’s request for submission – Frontex’s fundamental rights strategy (October 2012)
33/12: EU: Securitising maritime transport: shipping merchandise and dealing with stowaways (September 2012)
32/12: EU: "Complex, technologically fraught and expensive" - the problematic implementation of the Prum Decision (September 2012)
31/12: Growing racism in the EU not just a Member State issue (September 2012)
30/12: Was Hungary the first EU country of arrival? Legal responsibility before human rights: a short story on Dublin (August 2012)
29/12: "Tackling new threats upon which the security and prosperity of our free societies increasingly depend": the EU-]US Working Group on Cyber Security and Cyber crime (August 2012)
28/12: State Trojans: Germany exports “spyware with a badge” (August 2012)
27/12: A “clean city”: the Olympic Games and civil liberties (August 2012)
26/12: The comparative study of forced return monitoring in Europe by Matrix/ICMPD (August 2012)
25/12: The EU’s accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: a cause for celebration or concern? (July 2012)
24/12: Revising the ‘Dublin’ rules on responsibility for asylumseekers: Further developments (July 2012)
23/12: Neo-nazis enter the Greek Parliament (July 2012)
22/12: The EU Directive on Reception Conditions: A weak compromise (July 2012)
21/12: UK: Brothers in arms (July 2012)
20/12: “We are not animals”: Concern intensifies over detention of migrants in Europe (July 2012)
19/12: The revised ‘Dublin’ rules on responsibility for asylum-seekers: a missed opportunity (June 2012)
18/12: Analysis of this latest draft of the Access to Documents Regulation (June 2012)
17/12: Revision of the Regulation on access to documents: Comments on the Council’s Informal Drafting Note (June 2012)
16/12: Amending the EU’s Borders Code (June 2012)
15/12: The Revised Asylum Procedures Directive: Keeping Standards Low (May 2012)
14/12: Access to EU documents: Article-by-Article commentary, ‘Red Lines’ for the negotiations, and the undemocratic recast procedure (May 2012)
13/12: Amending the EU’s Borders Code (April 2012)
12/12: Amending the EU’s visa list legislation (April 2012)
11/12: The Frontex Regulation - Consolidated text after final 2011 amendments (April 2012)
10/12: Support for ACTA wanes following mass protests (March 2012)
09/12: The Revised Directive on Asylum-seekers’ Reception Conditions: The Member States hit rock-bottom (March 2012)
08/12: Counter-terrorism, 'policy laundering' and the FATF - legalising surveillance, regulating civil society (March 2012)
07/12: The Mother of all Opt-outs? The UK’s possible opt-out from prior third pillar measures in June 2014 (February 2012)
06/12: The Revised Directive on Asylum-seekers’ Reception Conditions: How much lower can the Member States go? (February 2012)
05/12: Making Fundamental Rights Flexible: The European Commission’s Approach to Negotiating Agreements on the Transfer of Passenger Name Record (PNR) Data to the USA and Australia (January 2012)
04/12: The Revised Directive on Asylum-seekers’ Reception Conditions: How much lower can the Member States go? (January 2012)
03/12: A proposal for an EU Immigration Code (January 2012)
02/12: The Arab Spring and the death toll in the Mediterranean: the true face of Fortress Europe (January 2012)
01/12: The EU’s self-interested response to unrest in north Africa: the meaning of treaties and readmission agreements between Italy and north African states (January 2012)
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