29/14: Viewpoint: Life imprisonment in Spain: An inhuman and unlawful punishment (November 2014)
28/14: EU: Joint police operations target irregular migrants by Chris Jones (October 2014)
27/14: TTIP and TiSA: big pressure to trade away privacy by Ralf Bendrath (September 2014)
26/14: Piecing together the puzzle: making US torturers in Europe accountable by Andreas Schüller and Morenike Fajana (September 2014)
25/14: State secrets in the Abu Omar case: the transatlantic relationship undermines the rule of law in cases involving human rights abuses by intelligence services by Yasha Maccanico (September 2014)
24/14: "Call it intercontinental collaboration": radicalisation, violent extremism and fusion centres by Chris Jones (September 2014)
23/14: Smart borders: fait accompli? (August 2014)
22/14: Mass surveillance of communications in the EU: CJEU judgment and DRIPA 2014/RIPA 2000 in the UK (August 2014)
21/14: ECtHR finds Italy guilty of degrading treatment without adequate judicial remedy in mass prison beatings case (August 2014)
20/14: The UK opt in to pre-Lisbon EU criminal law (July 2014)
19/14: Secrets and lies: undercover police operations raise more questions than answers (July 2014)
18/14: Shining a light on deadly informers: The de Silva report on the murder of Pat Finucane (July 2014)
17/14: A duty to inform? The outsourcing of state surveillance responsibilities to the British public (July 2014)
16/14: Belgian 'municipal fines' cause growing dissent (July, 2014)
15/14: Viewpoint: ‘Border security’ exports: dividing lands across the globe (June 2014)
14/14: Border guards, planes, “thermal vision vans” and heartbeat detectors – who is equipping Frontex? (May 2014)
13/14: GCHQ is authorised to “spy on the world” but the UK Interception of Communications Commissioner says this is OK as it is “lawful” (May 2014)
12/14 EU Justice and Home affairs legislation under the 2009-14 term of the European Parliament (April 2014)
11/14: Note on big data, crime and security: Civil liberties, data protection and privacy concerns (April 2014)
10/14: Constructing the secret EU state: “Restricted” and “Limite” documents hidden from view by the Council (March 2014)
09/14: Statewatch, the European Commission and the Dutch Senate (March 2014)
08/14: The UK opt-out from Justice and Home Affairs law: the other Member States finally lose patience (March 2014)
07/14: New EU rules on maritime surveillance: will they stop the deaths and push-backs in the Mediterranean? (February 2014)
06/14: Amending the EU’s visa list legislation - February 2014 version (February 2014)
05/14: 11 years of Eurodac (January 2014)
04/14: Taking stock of EU Counter-terrorism policy and review mechanisms: Summary of Statewatch’s findings for SECILE project (January 2014)
03/14: Catalogue of EU Counter-Terrorism Measures Adopted since 11 September 2001 (pdf) by Ben Hayes & Chris Jones (Statewatch): This report catalogues all EU CTMs adopted since 11 September 2011 and forms the basis for further research and analysis regarding their impact, legitimacy and effectiveness by the SECILE consortium. The report has been produced by the civil liberties organisation Statewatch which is conducting a ‘stocktake’ of EU CTMs and collecting and analysing data about their implementation. (January 2014)
02/14: Report on how the EU assesses the impact, legitimacy and effectiveness of its counterterrorism laws (pdf) by Ben Hayes & Chris Jones (Statewatch). This report examines the mechanisms available to the EU to assess the impact, legitimacy and effectiveness of its counter-terrorism policies. The research focuses primarily but not exclusively on the utilisation and application of these mechanisms rather than the substance of the assessments that they produce. (January 2014)
01/14: Data Retention in Europe: A Case Study (January 2014)
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