This observatory lists the Agendas, "A" and "B" points, press releases, minutes/"outcomes" (known as outcome of proceedings or OP) and conclusions of the European Union's Justice and Home Affairs Council meetings from 1993 (when it was created) to the present.
Under the Lisbon Treaty the Agendas of the Justice and Home Affairs Council meetings are divided into:
All legislative measures are listed on the SEMDOC website including Decisions (which are often listed under "A" Points agenda - legislative).
Council conclusions: for a number of meeting we have also provided links to the conclusions adopted by the Council. These may be listed as "draft" conclusions when presented to Council meetings which, after adoption, become conclusions. Selected other reports agreed are also included. All were adopted as "A" Points" without debate.
Council conclusions are termed "soft law" as they are not legally binding on EU member states. However, they are statements used by the Council to signal political agreement on an issue and can enable (and legitimate) cooperation between two or more member states. This may involve changes in practice or law at national level, or the undertaking of joint operational action. As such they have been used by as few as three member states or by all. Conclusions also set out the direction of policies to be pursued when the European Commission issues a proposal.
The European and national parliaments have no say at all regarding the content of conclusions. Since 11 September 2001 they have played an increasingly significant policy-making function and are discussed at length in the Council's various working parties. Council Resolutions have the same effect as conclusions.
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