Research and development

This section of the observatory contains information on and documents related to the agency's involvement in research and development activities. Related materials of interest can be found in the access to documents section.

Frontex states that it is:

"...continuously developing its capabilities related to border security technologies, providing and supporting research; promoting and delivering innovation and promoting and delivering standardisation and harmonisation of border management capabilities, including support for third countries. Research and Innovation activities follow the Capabilities Development Plan (CDP), which includes the capabilities of the Member States and of the agency itself."

Its role in research and development activities - primarily geared towards the development of new technologies for border control purposes has increased over time, in line with the general expansion of the agency's powers.

The agency regularly posts announcements about its "industry days" and "industry dialogues" here.

05 May 2020

Proceedings of the International Conference on Biometrics for Borders: Morphing and Morphing Attack Detection Methods

"Morphing" is a process by which photographs of two individuals can be merged in order to create a new image that can, potentially, be used by either of those individuals to pass through biometric control checkpoints.

11 March 2016

Best Practice guidelines on automated border control (ABC) systems

Two sets of "best practice guidelines" covering technical and operational aspects of automated border control systems; and guidelines on the "processing of third country nationals" through those systems.

19 December 2012

Study on anti-corruption measures in EU border control

"The present report provides academic and policy perspectives, as well as rich empirical data on corruption observed in border guard institutions across the European Union. It also compares and analyses anti-corruption measures in EU Member States’ border guard services, as well as the strategies and instruments used in corruption investigations of border guards."

16 January 2012

AEROVISION and THALES present the FULMAR system to FRONTEX in Greece

A demonstration on the use of drones for border control.

01 December 2011

Study on the future of borders

"This ‘Forward Study of European Border Checks’ was commissioned by the Frontex Research and Development Unit. It focuses on the futures and foresight tools relevant to European border control."


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