The Council of the EU is moving towards the adoption of its next five-year set of strategic guidelines for justice and home affairs policies.
A new report criticises the Greek policy of automatically detaining asylum-seekers of certain nationalities.
"The NGO rescue boat Sea-Watch says it does not receive any alerts of maritime distress from the EU's border agency Frontex, whenever the agency spots people in trouble in the Mediterranean."
A new report from Oxfam examining the diversion of development aid to migration control projects.
European money has poured into Niger in an attempt to reinforce state security authorities responsible for dealing with migrant smuggling. Some of the funds have gone towards high-tech surveillance equipment.
A new report compiled by Border Violence Monitoring Network.
Hein de Haas critically examines the argument that climate change will automatically lead to mass migration.
"More than 800 Tunisian migrants have been detained in the Spanish enclave of Melilla for more than 5 months, Tunesian NGO Ftdes claims."
A new agreement has been signed between Greece and the European Asylum Support Office.
Statement originally published by by Anafé (Association Nationale d'Assistance aux Frontières pour les étrangers) on 8 January 2020.
Statement originally published by the Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux on 7 January 2020.
"The humanitarian rescue vessel Open Arms picked up 158 migrants in two rescue operations off the coast of Libya overnight. Since Thursday, three NGO ships have rescued nearly 640 people. Over 400 migrants on board the Ocean Viking will be allowed to disembark in Taranto, Italy."
"A group of Eritrean asylum seekers have held a protest in Slovenia against asylum request procedures, which the community sees as unfair. They also demonstrated against the rejection of five asylum claims filed by Eritreans."
In a case concerning an asylum application in New Zealand by a man from Kiribati, the UN Human Rights Committee has ruled that "countries may not deport individuals who face climate change-induced conditions that violate the right to life."
An article by Are You Syrious looking at the 29 deaths in Italian migrant detention centres since 1998, following the death of Vakhtang Enukidze on 18 January.
The latest update from Lesvos Legal Centre on the situation on the island of Lesvos, where over 21,000 asylum seekers and refugees are living in appalling conditions.
Privacy International have outlined some of the most dubious of the EU's security research projects, which receive millions of euros to develop new, intrusive forms of surveillance and tracking technology.
An Italian court has ruled that the country’s Cabinet presidency and defence ministry were responsible for the refoulement of 14 Eritrean nationals in July 2009, when a warship rescued some 80 people and took them back to Libya, ignoring requests for international protection.
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