European Council

As the European Council itself states: "The European Council defines the EU's overall political direction and priorities, traditionally by adopting conclusions. It does not negotiate or adopt EU laws." It is made up of the heads of state or government of EU member states.

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21-22 March 2024

European Council conclusions


Comprehensive partnerships

33. The European Council welcomes the joint declaration on the strategic and comprehensive partnership between the European Union and Egypt.

34. The European Council also welcomes the partnership with Mauritania.

35. It underlines the importance of strengthening and developing such strategic partnerships.”


40. The European Council reviewed the state of play on migration following the Communication from the Commission and reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to continue pursuing a comprehensive approach to migration as agreed in its conclusions of December 2023. Noting that over 90 % of irregular migrants enter the EU with the assistance of smugglers, the European Council supports the Commission’s resolve to strengthen all tools at the EU’s disposal to effectively counter human trafficking and smuggling, while in parallel launching a Global Alliance to respond to this global challenge.”


1 February 2024 (special meeting)


On the Multiannual Financial Framework:

“Headings 4 and 6 - Migration and the External dimension

8. Migration is a European challenge that requires a European response.

9. In order to provide for sufficient funding to support Member States in managing urgent challenges and needs related to migration and border management in frontline Member States, as well as in those affected by the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, and for the implementation of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum once adopted, including new border procedures, Heading 4 [Migration and Border Management] will be reinforced by EUR 2 billion.

10. The European Council recalls the potential use of cohesion policy funds for addressing the migration challenges and needs. To that end, it invites the Commission to assist Member States to exploit this possibility.

11. In order to allow the Union to provide the necessary support in a context of extraordinary geopolitical tension, the priorities of Heading 6 [Neighbourhood and the World] will be reinforced by EUR 7,6 billion. This will help to maintain effective migration cooperation with third countries, including the support for Syrian refugees in Türkiye and the broader region, as well as the continuation of actions previously undertaken through the EU Trust Fund for Africa. It will also help to support the Western Balkans, the Southern neighbourhood and Africa, including partnerships and funding for the migration routes. Sufficient funding for the NDICI-cushion should be ensured.”


14-15 December 2023




28. The European Council held a strategic discussion on migration and took note of the recent letter by the President of the European Commission.

29. The European Union will continue to pursue a comprehensive approach to migration which combines increased external action, mutually beneficial comprehensive partnerships with countries of origin and transit, addressing the root causes of migration, opportunities for legal migration, more effective protection of EU external borders, resolutely fighting organised crime, human trafficking and smuggling, instrumentalisation of migration as a hybrid threat and stepping up returns.”


26-27 October 2023



23. The European Council held a strategic discussion on migration and took note of the recent letter by the President of the Commission.”


29-30 June 2023


“37. The European Council held a strategic discussion on the European Union’s relations with partners in the Southern Neighbourhood. In this context, the European Council welcomes work done on a mutually beneficial comprehensive partnership package with Tunisia, building on the pillars of economic development, investment and trade, the green energy transition, migration and people-to-people contacts, and supports the resumption of political dialogue in the context of the EU-Tunisia Association Agreement. It underlines the importance of strengthening and developing similar strategic partnerships between the European Union and partners in the region”

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